NASS Bournemouth

Cost: Hydrotherapy is £5 per session and Gym Exercise is £3 per session.

NASS Bournemouth has been running for many years. Members generally attend either one or both exercise sessions, and the emphasis is on having fun, as well as ‘working out’.

Mutual support and encouragement is provided in equal doses.  We would love to see new members.

Hydrotherapy with an emphasis on stretching, some cardiovascular work included. Trained physiotherapist in the water giving hands-on assistance.

Gym session with a trained physiotherapist. Cardiovascular and stretching exercise undertaken, and gym equipment available for use. Attendees work at their own pace.

Please note that you must have a UK diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis (Axial SpA) or ankylosing spondylitis (AS) to attend this branch.