Our Team

Meet the NASS team

Dr Dale Webb

Dale is Chief Executive and has overall responsibility for the management of NASS. He works with policy makers, funders, service commissioners and professional bodies in order to raise awareness, raise funds and ensure that people with axial SpA get earlier diagnosis and access to effective treatment and rehabilitation. Dale leads an outstanding team of staff who deliver an ambitious programme of work to support the axial SpA community across the UK. You can follow him on Twitter @NASSchiefexec.

charisseCharisse Basten

Charisse Basten is a part-time Admin and Finance Assistant.  Charisse assists Justyna with the charity’s finances and banking.

Clare Clark

Clare Clark

Clare is Senior Partnership and Engagement Officer and lives with Axial SpA. She works with health care professionals on our Act on Axial SpA Campaign to implement a Gold Standard to Time to Diagnosis and supports our peer to peer network. Clare has experience of working in the NHS as an Advanced Practitioner in Occupational Therapy with skills including, quality improvement and the setting up and running of an axial SpA clinic. If you are a health care professional and would like to know more, or invite Clare to speak to your health care team about the work of NASS, contact clareclark@nass.co.uk

Garry Williams

Garry is Helpline & Branch Support Officer. He works with Sally on our Helpline, ensuring all your questions are answered. He is trained in helping people with questions about disability benefits including PIP and ESA so do get in touch if you need help. Garry is the contact point at NASS for our branch network and is the person to chat to if you are interested in getting a new branch up and running.

Jill Hamilton

Jill is Head of Policy & Health Services, responsible for raising awareness of axial SpA among healthcare professionals, and policy and decision makers. Her role includes: providing strategic input and working with colleagues at M&F Health who provide secretariat to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Axial Spondyloarthritis, ; providing programme management and leading on communications for the Aspiring to Excellence quality improvement programme, including the Gold Standard in Treatment and Care; and inputting into national and regional policy development.
She also: is a member of the Act on Axial SpA project board; organises NASS presence at external professional events such as the British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference; organises NASS events such as Members Day and NASS Voices; and provides secretariat to the Aquatic Physiotherapy and Hydrotherapy Alliance which she formed in 2021 to promote aquatic physiotherapy and hydrotherapy.
If you have any queries regarding NASS’s commitment to Equality Diversity and Inclusion, or if you are a     researcher who would like NASS to input into their project or recruit to it, you should contact Jill.

Joe EddisonJoe Eddison

Joe is the Programme Manager for our Act on Axial SpA campaign to implement a Gold Standard Time to Diagnosis. With a professional background in project management, change delivery, service improvement, strategy, planning and performance across the NHS and financial services Joe leads the campaign, with a focus on Health Care related solutions.

Joe has also lived with Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) for the last 16 years, with a formal diagnosis for 10 years. Joe utilises his personal experiences as someone living with axial SpA alongside his professional background to drive forward the campaign and championing axial SpA care.

Justyna Potiopa

Justyna is Finance and Administration Manager and looks after all our charity finances. You can also contact Justyna if you have any GDPR related questions.

Laurie-AnnLaurie-Ann Mafusire

(currently on maternity leave)

Laurie-Ann is Senior Digital Marketing Officer and is responsible for managing NASS’ digital communications, across social media, websites and e-mail marketing. She supports the Communications and Fundraising team to deliver a programme that raises awareness of axial SpA and the work we do to help people live well as well as grow NASS’ fundraising income and members.

Richard Bennett smilingRichard Bennett

Richard is the Senior Fundraising Officer.

He is responsible for securing grants from Trusts and Foundations, supporting our amazing community of fundraisers who are walking, running, cycling, rowing, baking (and many other “ings”), organising our winter appeals and seasonal campaigns (including Walk Your AS off, Gaming for AS, Stretch-tember and Winter Walks Challenge, and supporting everyone donating to NASS whether in memory of a loved one, in their will or on a monthly basis – all to ensure we can continue to deliver and expand our vital services supporting people with axial SpA to live well with their condition sooner.

Marcia Waugh

Marcia is our Fundraising Assistant.

She provides administrative support to our fundraising programme and membership stewardship. Marcia also acts as a first point of contact for fundraisers and members, and will provide support with any queries they may have.

Sally Dickinson

Sally is Head of Information and Support Services. She runs the Helpline for anyone who has questions about axial SpA. She has responsibility for all patient and member information produced by NASS including AS News and all our guides. She also writes and manages the axial SpA information on the NASS website. Sally also looks after our network of branches across the UK. She is working with Zoë to develop a self-management programme.

Zoë Clark

Zoë is Senior Self-management Programme Officer and an Allied Health Professional who lives with axial SpA. She runs the Self-management Programme, leading Your SpAce and delivering interactive sessions through rheumatology departments to help people manage their axial SpA. Zoë is responsible for My AS, My Life, creating resources and running Facebook live sessions on managing axial SpA. Zoë would love to hear from any healthcare professionals who may be interested in hosting a self-management session or running a Facebook Live.

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People Sally Helpline

By your side

Since 1976, NASS has been here to help. We have the information you need, along with a community of people who understand.

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