Results: Trustee Election 2023

On Saturday 30 September we held our Annual General Meeting, where we announced the results of the election to the NASS Board of Trustees, as voted by members.

We are delighted to welcome on board Rachel Davis as a new trustee. Rachel joins with over 20 years experience working in the charity sector as a professional fundraiser, Senior Development Manager and Company Secretary. She has also raised significant funds for various causes and is responsible for governance as Company Secretary for a charity. She says,

“It is a privilege to have been elected as a Trustee for NASS. I am looking forward to this opportunity to work with the Board to support NASS’ incredible work.

We are also thrilled to welcome back current NASS Chair Raj Mahapatra. For those of you who don’t know Raj, he has been Chair of NASS since 2014, championing the cause of people with axial SpA by working on numerous programmes in the UK and around the World. Raj says,

I am delighted to have been elected again by the members of NASS to continue in my mission to raise awareness of axial SpA nationally and internationally, as well as work with the team on the strategic direction of the organisation.”

Many thanks to those who stood and were unsuccessful on this occasion for their commitment to NASS.

The whole NASS team is looking forward to working with Rachel and our existing trustees on developing the charity’s strategy over the next few years.