NASS Allies is working with the Royal College of Chiropractors and Institute of Osteopathy to help reduce the 8.5 year delay to diagnosis.
GP Referral Template launched
At the Primary Care and Public Health Conference 2019, NASS was able to raise awareness of our brand new referral template which was developed in conjunction with the Royal College of Chiropractors and Institute of Osteopathy. It has been endorsed by the Royal College of GPs and the Chartered Society for Physiotherapy. The template is designed to help osteopaths and chiropractors to recommend referral into rheumatology via GPs more easily. The template is fully editable and comes with supporting documentation. In order to track the success of the template, we are asking osteopaths and chiropractors using the template to share their patients’ details with NASS (with their consent) so that we can follow their journey from referral through to diagnosis.